DLD Theory

Once the HLD is done, you should move to detailed level design, which is a graphical representation of the structures of software, that defines high level details of each modules including module's interface (input and output data type), data structures and a list of any non-functional requirements. In short, DLD is providing detailed information about each module.
The detailed level design document for a project should provide a complete and detailed specification of the design for the software that will be developed in the project, including the classes, members, and non-member functions, and associations between classes that are involved.
During the detailed level design phase the view of the application developed during the high level design is broken down into modules and programs. The DLD will contain: - detailed functional logic of the module in pseudo code - database tables with all elements including their type and size - all interface details with complete API references (both requests and responses) - all dependency issues -error message listings - complete input and outputs for a module.
DLD should contain a listing of the declarations of all the classes, non-member-functions, and class member functions that will be defined during the implementation stage, along with the associations between those classes and any other details of those classes that are firmly determined by the detailed level design stage. Detailed-level design focuses on implementing the components as defined by the high-level design. Whereas a component is a more-or-less "whole" piece of functionality, the implementation of a component usually consists of many interrelated pieces. A component may be implemented using object-oriented, structural, functional, or other design method. Sometimes it encompasses outlining the various classes and methods that make up the design, so that it is clear how to attach the code to the skeleton.
A DLD should
  • be internally consistent
  • describe the modules
  • describe the purpose of each module
  • define the interrelationship between the modules.
  • identify all the interfaces to the modules
  • describe the purpose the purpose and method of use of all interfaces to the modules.
A Detailed Level Design contains:
  • Physical database design - Regrouping of data set into various files/tables taking into account normalization of data

  • Database engineering - Data access methods, optimization techniques, query construction techniques etc are designed here

  • User Interface Design - This section describes the managing of input devices, validating user input, handling errors, exceptions and displaying of appropriate messages, proving help and prompts, handling windows and fields scrolling within windows, establishing connections between application software and the interfaces, allowing the users to customize the interface etc

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