Data Independence

This brings us to our next topic: data independence. It is the property of the database which tries to ensure that if we make any change in any level of schema of the database, the schema immediately above it would require minimal or no need of change.
What does this mean? We know that in a building, each floor stands on the floor below it. If we change the design of any one floor, e.g. extending the width of a room by demolishing the western wall of that room, it is likely that the design in the above floors will have to be changed also. As a result, one change needed in one particular floor would mean continuing to change the design of each floor until we reach the top floor, with an increase in the time, cost and labour. Would not life be easy if the change could be contained in one floor only? Data independence is the answer for this. It removes the need for additional amount of work needed in adopting the single change into all the levels above.
Data independence can be classified into the following two types:

  1. Physical Data Independence: This means that for any change made in the physical schema, the need to change the logical schema is minimal. This is practically easier to achieve. Let us explain with an example.
Say, you have bought an Audio CD of a recently released film and one of your friends has bought an Audio Cassette of the same film. If we consider the physical schema, they are entirely different. The first is digital recording on an optical media, where random access is possible. The second one is magnetic recording on a magnetic media, strictly sequential access. However, how this change is reflected in the logical schema is very interesting. For music tracks, the logical schema for both the CD and the Cassette is the title card imprinted on their back. We have information like Track no, Name of the Song, Name of the Artist and Duration of the Track, things which are identical for both the CD and the Cassette. We can clearly say that we have achieved the physical data independence here.

  1. Logical Data Independence: This means that for any change made in the logical schema, the need to change the external schema is minimal. As we shall see, this is a little difficult to achieve. Let us explain with an example.
Suppose the CD you have bought contains 6 songs, and some of your friends are interested in copying some of those songs (which they like in the film) into their favorite collection. One friend wants the songs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, another wants 1, 3, 4, 5 and another wants 1, 2, 3, 6. Each of these collections can be compared to a view schema for that friend. Now by some mistake, a scratch has appeared in the CD and you cannot extract the song 3. Obviously, you will have to ask the friends who have song 3 in their proposed collection to alter their view by deleting song 3 from their proposed collection as well.

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