

Mathematical technique used in computer modeling (simulation) to find the best possible solution in allocating limited resources (energy, machines, materials, money, personnel, space, time, etc.) to achieve maximum profit or minimum cost.

However, it is applicable only where all relationships are linear, and can accommodate only a limited class of cost functions. For problems involving more complex cost functions, another technique called 'mixed integer modeling' is employed. Developed by the Russian economist Leonid Kantorovich (1912-86) and the US economist C. Koopmans (1910-86), on the basis of the work of the Russian mathematician Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903-87).


Many applications in business and economics involve a process called optimization, in which we are required to find the minimum cost, the maximum profit, or the minimum use of resources. Here we discuss one type of optimization problem called linear programming.

A two-dimensional linear programming problem consists of a linear objective function and a system of linear inequalities called constraints. The objective function gives the quantity that is to be maximized (or minimized), and the constraints determine the set of feasible solutions.

For example, consider a linear programming problem in which we are asked to maximize the value of

z = ax + by      Objective function

subject to a set of constraints that determine the region indicated in Figure 1. Because every point in the region satisfies each constraint, it is not clear how we should go about finding the point that yields a maximum value of z. Fortunately, it can be shown that if there is an optimal solution, it must occur at one of the vertices of the region. In other words, we can find the maximum value by testing z at each of the vertices, as illustrated in Example 1.

The objective function has its optimal value at one of the vertices of the region determined by the constraints.
Theorem 9.1 Optimal Solution of a Linear Programming Problem
If a linear programming problem has a solution, it must occur at a vertex of the set of feasible solutions. If the problem has more than one solution, then at least one of them must occur at a vertex of the set of feasible solutions. In either case, the value of the objective function is unique.

EXAMPLE 1: Solving a Linear Programming Problem
Find the maximum value of

z = 3x + 2y      Objective function

subject to the following constraints.

Solution The constraints form the region shown in Figure 2. At the four vertices of this region, the objective function has the following values.

Thus, the maximum value of z is 8, and this occurs when x = 2 and y = 1.

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