The birthday problem

An entertaining example is to determine the probability that in a randomly selected group of n people at least two have the same birthday. If one assumes for simplicity that a year contains 365 days and that each day is equally likely to be the birthday of a randomly selected person, then in a group of n people there are 365n possible combinations of birthdays. The simplest solution is to determine the probability of no matching birthdays and then subtract this probability from 1. Thus, for no matches, the first person may have any of the 365 days for his birthday, the second any of the remaining 364 days for his birthday, the third any of the remaining 363 days,…, and the nth any of the remaining 365 − n + 1. The number of ways that all n people can have different birthdays is then 365 × 364 ×⋯× (365 − n + 1), so that the probability that at least two have the same birthday is

 Bayes’s theorem: HIV test [Credit: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]   density function [Credit: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]    binomial distribution: normal approximation [Credit: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]

Numerical evaluation shows, rather surprisingly, that for n = 23 the probability that at least two people have the same birthday is about 0.5 (half the time). For n = 42 the probability is about 0.9 (90 percent of the time).

This example illustrates that applications of probability theory to the physical world are facilitated by assumptions that are not strictly true, although they should be approximately true. Thus, the assumptions that a year has 365 days and that all days are equally likely to be the birthday of a random individual are false, because one year in four has 366 days and because birth dates are not distributed uniformly throughout the year. Moreover, if one attempts to apply this result to an actual group of individuals, it is necessary to ask what it means for these to be “randomly selected.” It would naturally be unreasonable to apply it to a group known to contain twins. In spite of the obvious failure of the assumptions to be literally true, as a classroom example, it rarely disappoints instructors of classes having more than 40 students.

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